System screenshot and app screenshot gallery display


System screenshot and app screenshot gallery display


NVR Main Menu 

NVR manin menu


CMS for pc screenshot

NVR software 'CMS' for pc computer screenshot


Add ip cameras to the PC software 'CMS' by Device Manager

NVR software 'CMS' for pc computer  setting screenshot


Main Menu:

Nvr system main menu 4 screenshot


Ansice New 8M 4K 5M 2k 32CH NVR support language

Ansice New 8M 4K 5M 2k 32CH NVR support language


Where to show the New 8M 4K 5M 2k 32CH NVR's Version Information

Where to show the New 8M 4K 5M 2k 32CH NVR's Version Information



How to set the NVR channel type, IP camera imput type


How to set the NVR IP camera imput type

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